4.8 1700+ Google Reviews
We’ve got the goods if you want the best radon monitor for home inspectors.
The EPA recommends all homebuyers test for Radon during a real estate transaction. As a result, home inspectors have become the de facto Radon testers for home buyers. Fortunately, we are in the right place at the right time.
Adding radon testing to your inspector tool belt can quickly add revenue and profit to a home inspector’s business. Not only will a home inspector make more by doing the test, but they can also take on more jobs by offering to test.
Plus, most buyers and Realtors do not want to schedule two companies to the property, so they may overlook an inspector that doesn’t.
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Our Rating:
Our Rating:
Our Rating:
AARST-NRPP Certified:
AARST-NRPP Certified:
AARST-NRPP Certified:
NRSB Certified:
NRSB Certified:
NRSB Certified:
Sensitivy(CPH) (Higher is Better):
Sensitivy(CPH) (Higher is Better):
Sensitivy(CPH) (Higher is Better):
Certainty (%):
Certainty (%):
Certainty (%):
Temp/Pressure/Humidty sensors:
NOT included
Temp/Pressure/Humidty sensors:
Temp/Pressure/Humidty sensors:
Bluetooth and Smartphone App:
Bluetooth and Smartphone App:
Bluetooth and Smartphone App:
Pre-written Commentary :
Pre-written Commentary :
Pre-written Commentary :
Generate/send reports from phone:
Generate/send reports from phone:
Generate/send reports from phone:
Third-party calibration:
Third-party calibration:
Third-party calibration:
Battery Life:
Battery Life:
Battery Life:
Determining which radon gas detector is best for your business depends on your specific operation. Indeed, all of the above units will deliver accurate readings. However, my favorite is the Radon eye rd200 (Radon eye Pro). It is the best radon monitor for home inspectors. Although it has the shortest battery life, it has the most straightforward mobile app and the highest sensitivity. In short, accurate results are the most critical factor, and the Radon Eye Pro has the most accurate and reliable results.
One eye-catching thing about the Radon Eye pro is its price. Notably, it’s about $300-$500 cheaper than the competition. That might make you think it’s a lower-quality unit. But it’s not. On the contrary, it is the most sensitive and reliable of the three radon monitors. Additionally, it has Bluetooth connectivity to a mobile app that allows you to schedule your inspections and send the results from your phone. Plus, you can view the first reading from its LCD screen before you leave your inspection.
The RadonEye Pro uses an accelerometer for tampering resistance and detection instead of a motion sensor. This is far more valuable data. Therefore, it will only alert you if someone picks up and/or moves the unit.
By and large, the only real con with the Radon Eye Pro is the battery life. In particular, a separate battery pack will allow the unit to run for 105 hours. Of course that might be fine for one test. However, if you have a test right after, you will need a second battery pack.
Alternatively, you can use the 12v power source. I have not had any issues finding a working plug.
Lastly, there is no customer service number. So if you have an issue, you have to email them, and they are slow to respond.
The RadonEye Pro is the best unit and has the best price. The rare combination of best quality and price easily makes it the best radon monitor for home inspectors. If, however, you absolutely need a radon monitor with long battery life, this is not the unit for you.
The real claim to fame for the Corentium Pro is its battery life. Specifically, three standard aaa batteries will power the unit for over a year of continuous monitoring. In other words, you will never need to worry about where to plug it in. Like all of the best radon detectors, it has Bluetooth connectivity to its airthings app. So, you can view and send the test results to your client directly from your smartphone.
Another thing I love about the Corentium Pro is its pre-written comments. It has all the comments pre-written for all result scenarios. So, for instance, if the results are less than 2 pCi/L, there is already a comment to select for that result.
The biggest con of the Corentium Pro is its price. It is almost double the cost of the RadonEye Pro.
Although I have gotten good at using the app, it is not as user-friendly as the RadonEye Pro.
Another issue I encountered with my units was that the motion sensors were too sensitive. To sum it up, every test would record and show motion. Accordingly, I had to remove the tampering statement from every report making the tampering resistance feature pretty much worthless.
Next, a massive con for the Corentium pro is they don’t allow third-party calibration. Of course third-party calibration is crucial for a company that values integrity and customer service. Sadly, their monopoly on calibration is very disturbing and problematic. Likewise, home inspectors should be wary of using a radon monitor that does not allow third-party testing.
Also, buying a used Corentium pro is a bit of a hassle. They lock the monitor to a user, and if the user doesn’t unlock it before they sell it (and they probably won’t), then you can’t use it. You will need to contact customer service to open it, bringing me to my next con.
And Finally, customer service is atrocious. Getting someone on the phone is easier at the IRS. I called several times to ask questions for this blog and never was able to get anyone on the phone.
Overall, the Corentium Pro is a fantastic radon monitor. I absolutely loved the battery life and not needing to worry about placement near an outlet.
First, SunRadon has exceptional cloud service and LTE service. This allows you to keep track of your units and remotely view, start, stop, and send results. But, unfortunately, it is a bit pricey at $199/year per monitor. And although it’s a nice perk, it is certainly not needed to have a thriving radon testing business.
Other than that, the 1028xp has all the modern features you’d expect. It has an app that connects via blue tooth to schedule, start, and send your results directly from your phone.
It is heavier, more rigid, and more durable than the other units.
Plus, there is a touch screen LCD touch screen which is nice but not a determining factor.
First, the biggest con of the 1028xp is that the temperature, pressure, and humidity sensors are not included. It is a separate module you have to buy. Piecemeal pricing is a red flag for any company. These sensors should be standard equipment and reflected in the actual price of the unit. It felt like a bait and switch to me. They advertise one price, but to have a ready-to-go unit, it’s an additional $199.
Second, the report is more “scientific” looking and not user-friendly.
Lastly, customer service is a disaster, just like the other companies. I tried calling sun nuclear several times and never got through to anyone.
All of these units are great for home inspectors and short-term tests. Although the Radon Eye Pro has a slight edge as the best radon monitor for home inspectors, they will all report accurate radon levels. The most significant differences are in price and ease of use features. You can use the chart and reviews above to determine the most important thing for your radon business.
Most states regulate radon testing professionals and which equipment can be used. Whichever radon testing method you employ, you should ensure it is AARST-NRPP or NRSB-approved.
Home inspectors specialize in short-term tests. Real estate transactions are fast-paced, and buyers and Realtors expect quick results. It will be hard to successfully use a passive radon test kit that does not give immediate results. Continuous radon monitors with instant results and instant reports are becoming the standard in the industry.
All radon monitors need yearly calibration. Only a few companies in the United States offer this service. Third-party calibration is essential for the integrity of the industry and benefits home inspectors and their clients.
As certified Radon testers, we have an obligation and a duty to ensure accurate results. Unfortunately, since most of our testing gets done during real estate transactions, there is an incentive for homeowners to try to alter the results. Modern radon monitors have motion sensors and accelerometers to help prevent tampering.
Temperature, air pressure, and humidity are not only helpful in analyzing the results. Weather conditions can change the amount of Radon in a home, and it’s essential to be able to assess this. Home inspectors can also use them to detect tampering. These sensors are an absolute must for anyone offering professional testing.
All radon test kits have a margin of error. Therefore, we used the data provided by the manufacturers for the comparison.
According to the EPA (environmental protection agency), Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. It is a gas that decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe. As they break down further, these particles release small bursts of energy. This can damage lung tissue and lead to lung cancer throughout your lifetime. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer.
There are no safe levels of Radon.
It is an odorless gas and a colorless gas. Therefore, the only way to know if a home has high levels of Radon is to have it tested.
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